
Top Reasons Why You Fail to Convert Your Prospects

If you have been involved in Network Marketing online, but you are failing to convert your prospects, you probably are encountering some common pitfalls. Don't worry. You can learn effective methods of increasing your conversions and ROI. Here's the problem:

- You did what you were told. 90% of the time, the program that you're trying to promote will have you do one of the following:

a. Send your prospect to the company's replicated website.

b. Forward your prospects interest to a prerecorded phone message.

c. Mail your prospect a CD or sample packet of information.

You have to learn something: you have to sell your prospects on YOU not the company. When a prospect contacts you directly, they need instant information. They need to feel that this information is coming from an established expert. You have to be that expert! Here's how:

- Be available when they call. Don't ever let them receive an answering machine.

- Be confident when you speak. Know what you are promoting. Believe in it!

- Position yourself as a leader an expert. You will not get money from somebody that thinks you are a beginner.

- It is your sole responsibility to make your prospects want to associate themselves with you. Do not go on and on about the company. Make them trust YOU.

- Realize as you speak to your prospects that they have heard all of the information about many network marketing opportunities before. Don't bore them with repetitive information. Excite them instead!

- They have contacted you looking for a leader a mentor. They need someone to show them the way and build their confidence.

- Show them more than just how to promote products. Coach them and let them know how to build their own sizable downlines.

- Prepare yourself through research and education about how to instill the confidence that they need in them. If you don't, you're not just wasting their time; you're wasting your own.

- If you are unsure of any element, immediately contact your up-line. That's what they're there for. If they're not able or willing to help you, then you need to move on. Network Marketing is all about teamwork.

By taking control of the situation, you gain control of your wealth generation. Prospects contact you because they're looking for a legitimate opportunity to dedicate to. You need to realize that. You need to make them qualify themselves to work with you not try to qualify yourself to work with them. You are the expert. You are the leader. You are the one in the position that they want to be in. They should honor your time and knowledge that you are sharing with them.

There are millions of people competing with you at all times in Network Marketing. 97% of them fail. Rise above your competition; educate yourself and lead the way!

Demetrios Tzortzis has coached and mentored countless individuals in online marketing and is unlocking the potential for success without the initial "beginners" slump. Demetrios Tzortzis 720.339.3808 livetoprosper@gmail.com

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